How it works

Healthy Students – Safe, Open Schools

Signing up for COVID-19 testing is easier than 1, 2, 3!

Across Virginia, our dedicated educators have gone above and beyond during the pandemic, teaching virtually when needed and coming back strong to help our students return safely to the classroom.

In addition to safety protocols and vaccination options, it’s still vitally important to test for COVID-19 because the pandemic is still a threat. This is especially true in large group settings such as schools.

First Step

School District Opt In

Our aim is to maximize resources available to schools and minimize added responsibilities to existing school staff!

School districts play a critical role in keeping students and educators safe. VDH encourages school district leaders to enroll their schools in the K-12 testing program to help limit COVID-19 outbreaks and maintain a safer learning environment.

VA school districts and schools should contact MAKO directly to begin scheduling COVID-19 screening testing.”

Opt In Here

MAKO will accommodate and work with each school individually

Students are pre-registered online with no paperwork for schools

Second Step

Parents/Educators Opt In

Once school districts agree to offer testing, parents can register their students in an easy, online process that is completely secure and confidential.

MAKO will provide rapid, reliable COVID-19 testing options chosen by the individual school district for all students and educators who opt-in to testing.

Get Info Now
Third Step

Students Tested – Results Delivered!

Each week professional health care providers will come to your schools and test students and staff. They will use an anterior nares nasal swab test that is quick and accurate. This is NOT the test that tickles the brain, instead we just swab shallow in the nostril.

Here is a video of a recent testing event!

Reliable Results

Individual Testing

Individual COVID-19 PCR testing is the gold standard test. With a simple anterior nares collection method, that simply tickles the nostril, MAKO can quickly and accurately determine if you have COVID-19. This test provides the highest sensitivity, accuracy, and specificity with fast results.

Pooled PCR Testing

A group of six pre-registered students are scanned into a single pool and tested. Their results are placed in a single test tube. These small batches of pooled tests allow us to easily test thousands of students a day, while still delivering swift, reliable results.


Results are available immediately via text message or email. Real-time reporting is shared directly with schools to allow for quick follow ups on results.

That’s it! Easy COVID-19 testing = safe students and open schools. We hope you’ll tell others so they sign up too!